

Atopy is a genetic, dermatologic or respiratory condition that develops when horses develop sensitizing antibodies to environmental allergens such as bedding, feed, tack, plants, and insects in the immediate …


Castration is an elective surgery that has been performed on colts from less than one week old to aged stallions. Most horsemen now prefer to geld colts prior to …


Cribbing occurs when a horse takes hold of any solid object with its incisor teeth, arches its head and neck in a characteristic fashion, and contracts the muscles on …


There are many potential zoonotic diseases (passed between animals and humans) that animal owners should be aware of. Rabies is a viral disease that attacks the central nervous system …

Imaging Feet

With the advent of digital radiography, it is now possible to image horses’ feet and have the results immediately available on a computer screen or saved on a disc …

Summer Sores

As the heat of summer quickly approaches and the temperature rises, so do the number of flies in and around the barn and stable. The common house and stable …
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